Fengting Industry Park, Xian you County
Email : sales@haiangroup.com
Tel : (86) 0594 750 1111
Haian specializes in manufacturing premium quality Giant OTR Tires with "Luan" brand, and also provides customers with comprehensive tire service in order to maximize the tires performance and reduce the operation cost. Contact us by phone, mail, or use the form below to get in touch with us with questions,comments,and more.
Sales Department Tel:+86-0594-7501111 (Inquiry from China)
International Marketing Center:+86-0592-5030082 (Inquiry from Abroad)
Commercial inquiry:sales@haiangroup.com
Technical support:tyrecare@haiangroup.com
CRM System access: I.P
TDMS System access: TDMS
Haian's trained tire experts are ready to answer your questions. Fill out the form and we'll suggest the perfect solution for you. Thank you for your interest in Luan OTR Tires!